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Database Programming Tools

Ztools and Ztools for X-Windows

Network Application Technology, Inc

Ztools is a powerful programmer productivity tool. Ztools provides aprecompiler that automatically generates C or C++ source code forapplication programs that communicate with Sybase SQL Server. Itautomatically generates all the code for application programs thatcommunicate with Sybase SQL Server. it automatically generates all thecode required to pass parameters to and retrieve results from storedprocedures. This software development tool will allow programmers toeasily integrate their application code with their Sybase storedprocedures. Ztools greatly increases programmer productivity and willreduce program maintenance costs. It eliminates runtime errors caused bymismatched parameters.Ztools automatically generates Sybase Open Client Library remoteprocedure calls ("dbrpcparam"), binding statements ("dbbind"), bcp_bindstatements, C Language variable declarations, and can generate these asC++ class member functions. Ztools provides support for automaticallycreating and managing arrays of record structures (z_bindarray).Ztools also includes library functions to make runtime bindings to XWindow screens. All of the text widgets under a given top-level widgetare dynamically linked to program memory by reading through the treestructure of widgets. Data fields from whole screens with multiplewidgets can be written or read with a single call. The Ztoolsdevelopment environment enhances programmer productivity like a 4GLlanguage while preserving the flexibility of working directly with DB-Library and X-Windows.Adding fields to an application created with Ztools typically onlyrequires the fields to be added to the screen, the stored procedure, andthe application recompiled.Included with Ztools is a SQL code generator that will quickly create theSQL code to insert, update, or select statements for any table in thedatabase. This saves the programmer time in typing field and parameternames so they can concentrate on the SQL logic.Key Product Features:Sybase Server.functionality of the 3/GL Language.Target IndustriesAll application developers who are using C or C++ Programming Language,Sybase Open Client Library, and Stored Procedures.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.3

Network Application Technology, Inc
1489 Patton Dr
Boulder, CO 80303
Phone: (303) 786-8822